When you are wanting to make a difference in the world it can be hard to choose whether you should volunteer your time or donate some money. How do you know which one you should do? Well, there are a few easy ways to tell.
First of all, how much time do you actually have? If you have a full time job and a family with kids, chances are you do not have much time to spare. Kids these days have so many activities to go to and there is always a lot to plan. However, keep in mind that volunteering with your kids can actually be a fun family activity that teaches your kids what is important in life. Volunteering is also a great way to learn new skills and find out if you would like a certain field of work, so keep that in mind too!
Second of all, how much spare money do you have? Some religions suggest that you should figure out how much money you can comfortably give to charity and then give a little bit more, but you should really be realistic about how much dough you can spare. If you don’t have all that much then volunteering is probably a better option, but remember, even just giving a dollar can give you that warm feeling inside.
Finally, you have to consider which one is going to make your feel better. Helping people in person does give you a very satisfying feeling, whereas giving money can be very quick and impersonal. So it just depends if you are looking for something quick and easy that won’t detract from your schedule much more than the time it takes to press the “donate” button online, or something that can help you to interact with people in the real world.